Finding Skilled Manufacturing Staff and Surviving in a Low Employment Environment


Finding Manufacturing Skill Staff

The manufacturing industry has long been aware of a talent shortage, and it’s likely to only get worse. In fact, research reveals that more than 4.6 million manufacturing jobs probably will become available over the next decade, with more than half expected to go unfilled. Making matters worse, manufacturers are often located in rural areas where it’s difficult to recruit talent.

For hirers in the manufacturing industry, the skills gap is an ongoing problem. As baby boomers retire in historic numbers, employers are realizing that they simply can’t find candidates with the skills necessary to do the work. For hirers in areas with low unemployment rates, that challenge intensifies, with numerous manufacturers competing for the same small talent pool.

So how do you get a competitive edge when it comes to recruiting and winning over the best workers in your area? Here are a few tips that can help.

Use Recruiting Technology

Finding top talent, particularly in a more rural area, can be a tough-to-overcome obstacle for manufacturers. Fortunately, you don’t have to be in the big city to access the tools used by many businesses. Take advantage of solutions like job boards and LinkedIn to make sure you’re opening your search to the biggest talent pool possible. You may also consider paying relocation costs to hire someone who lives in another area but has the exact skills you need.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

When office supply company Katun noticed a drop in morale, the company recognized how much time employees were spending on time-consuming, mundane tasks. Working with Centreviews, the company automated processes like payroll, freeing up their employees to focus their energy on more rewarding work. Centreviews can help you identify those areas of your operations that can be automated, allowing you to improve morale while also making up for staffing shortages. As a result, you’ll be able to recruit higher-paid employees for positions like management or design, making it easier to remain competitive in your hiring efforts.

Build a Desirable Work Culture

Today’s job searchers are increasingly looking for a positive, nurturing work culture, especially in competitive markets. We’ve all heard stories about the free meals and office slides at Google headquarters. While you don’t have to go that far, many manufacturers simply have not kept pace with the broader business world when it comes to creating a good work culture. Make sure your leaders understand how to motivate all generations of workers and, most importantly, create an environment where employees feel as though they matter to the organization.

Invest in Your Workers

One of the best ways to ensure longevity is to invest in your workers’ careers. This starts with a thorough onboarding process that includes training on all their duties. You should work with each employee to outline a career path and provide the training and resources necessary to help reach those goals.

Centreviews provides free consultations to manufacturers interested in automating some of their daily operations. Specializing in accounts payable automation, Centreviews can ensure everything from invoicing to payroll is managed electronically, at an easily affordable rate. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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